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Resource Library > sustainability

Tag: sustainability

A pair of hands on the keyboard of a laptop.

Building Sustainability For Your Funding

  • One of the questions I’ve received most often since joining Management Concepts is, “Where else can I get funding?”

    This question goes to one of the weakest areas in the grant community: Sustainability. In this context, I’m not talking about the triple bottom line or climate change. It’s something much more basic: The resources that will keep your grant project going once funding source A is gone. Because deep down we all know that no funding stream lasts forever.

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A pair of hands on the keyboard of a laptop.

Is Your Ecosystem Thriving or Collapsing?

  • Imagine a thriving ecosystem, and you may envision a lush landscape with great diversity, energy, and balance. Now imagine an ecosystem that is suffering and you probably see a barren landscape, where life forms are dying off and there is bloodthirsty competition for limited resources.

    Now think of some of the organizations or teams within which you have worked. Notice any similarities?

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