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Tag: professional skills

A pair of hands on the keyboard of a laptop.

Federal Leadership Psychology 101: Navigating Uncertainty and Unknowns

  • In an ever-changing world filled with ambiguity, uncertainty, and complexity, public service must have an array of people who are more adaptable and resilient than ever. Leadership skills, which are crucial for every federal employee, are a critical component of this resilience.

    Federal employees frequently find themselves in the midst of severe problems, whether they are imminent threats to the country’s security, terrible natural disasters, economic downturns, stock market crashes, or worldwide pandemics. While there are broad protocols in place for crisis situations, no one can ever anticipate the unexpected, as the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic taught us.

A pair of hands on the keyboard of a laptop.

11 Soft-Skill Career-Building Courses for Federal Employees

  • In today’s dynamic work environment, soft skills play a crucial role in the success of federal employees. These skills go beyond technical expertise and encompass qualities such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability. Federal employees should continually invest in developing their soft skills to thrive in their careers and contribute effectively to their organizations.

A birdseye view of a white, circular 3D maze with a silhoutte of a person looking around and standing in the center of the circle.

Conferences after COVID: Five Tips for Success

  • Frequent attendees of conferences and workshops will agree: getting back into the field after two years of social distancing is a difficult task. There are rules to remember and ways to network and connect that we may have forgotten. Like any skill, conferencing is one that must be practiced to stay fresh. Attending your first conference after a few years of being apart, or in a new professional field—or even your first conference ever—can be daunting. Here are our five best tips to help make your conference experience a success:

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A pair of hands on the keyboard of a laptop.

The Perfect Pairing — Professional Skills and Public Service

  • Why do people choose to work in the public sector? Instead of chasing profits, the work of public service impacts every American. Think about it. Our food, housing, education, healthcare, natural resources, manufacturing, and national security are all defined and regulated by the federal government to some extent.

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A pair of hands on the keyboard of a laptop.

Time to Thrive: Empowering Millennials in the Workforce

  • Every day there are countless articles and studies casting aspersions on millennials. This cohort of young adults has been blamed for the declining viability of chain restaurants, gyms, diamonds, and even the National Football League.

    Millennials are frequently stereotyped as selfish, entitled, and disloyal to their organizations. For this reason, HR specialists, leadership, and managers alike may find it difficult to cater to this growing segment of the global workforce.

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