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Tag: Data Visualization

A pair of hands on the keyboard of a laptop.

Put Your Data Visuals on a Diet: No More Pie Charts!

  • Happy Pi Day! To celebrate, I will be discussing one of the most widely-used (but not widely useful!) data visualizations: the Pie Chart.

    Data-driven, strategic decisions are only as good as the information behind them—and to decision-makers presented with data, the information’s only as good as the chart or graph that represents it.

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A pair of hands on the keyboard of a laptop.

In 2017, Show the Way—With Data

  • This year, more than ever, Federal government leaders will benefit from those of us who are able to visualize data effectively to get their message across. There’s no better way to illustrate the ROI of a program than to literally illustrate it—with effective, irrefutable visuals of the data—which can serve as common ground for discussions about the work being analyzed.

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